National Awards “Science and Research”
NEW! RMJ has announced the annually National Award for "Science and Research" for the best scientific articles published throughout the year in the official journal.
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The risk of hepatocellular carcinoma on patients diagnosed with hepatitis B and hepatitis D (2012-2015)
Irina Dinu, Mihai Voiculescu and Andreea Radasan
Introduction. Hepatocellular carcinoma is the most common primary liver cancer (90%), the 5th neoplasia in terms of incidence and the 3rd mortality cause worldwide. This increased mortality is the consequence of diagnosis in an advanced state and of the fact that most HCC develop based on a chronic hepatic pathology. In Romania, around 7% of the population is affected by chronic hepatitis B, the incidence of this disease being increased in urban areas. The sooner the hepatitis B virus infection occurs in life, the higher the probability is, for this to become chronic and to lead to cirrhosis or liver cancer. Hepatitis D only occurs among people who are infected with the Hepatitis B virus because HDV is an incomplete virus that requires the helper function of HBV to replicate.
Objective of the study. The main purpose of the surveillance and/or screening is to decrease mortality and morbidity by means of liver cancer for patients diagnosed with hepatitis B and hepatitis D.
Matherial and methods. The study was conducted on a number of 102 patients diagnosed with viral hepatitis (HBV, HDV+HBV) admitted at the “Fundeni” Hospital, Bucharest, between 2012-2015. Two batches of patients were taken into account (patients with hepatitis B and hepatitis D). The viral load and chosen treatment were clinically, biochemically and imagistically evaluated.
Results. We have noticed a significant increase in patients diagnosed with hepatitis B and D. The existence of the hepatitis D infection in patients diagnosed with hepatitis B significantly increases the occurence potential of liver cancer. The hepatic destruction degree by means of cirrhotic liver occurence respectively hepatic cirrhosisis much higher for patients diagnosed with hepatitis D.
Conclusions. The close monitoring of the patients in this research program brings real benefit for the prevention of liver cancer and diagnosing it early, having a much better prognosis on the quality of life.
Keywords: hepatic virus B, liver cancer, hepatic virus D
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